Clinical Correlation Reflections

I’ve learned a lot from this two-part clinical correlation class. The class helped me start off with a broad differential diagnosis based of the patient chief complaints, and taught me what questions to follow-up to narrow down my differential diagnosis, and from there what labs, and imaging to order to rule in, and rule out my diagnosis. The class also taught me how to utilize Up-to-date to research cases, treatment, and pathophysiology behind the disease. The class also helped in interpreting lab results, and imagining. Most importantly the biggest take away from this class how to properly present this case to my colleagues with relevant information, and how to talk to patients about the prognosis, and current state of their illness.

When comparing Clinical correlation I to Clinical correlation II I definitely grew when it came to presenting cases, and learning how to read lab reports. An area that I’m still weak on is EKG, but will get better at reading them during my rotations, as I’m a visual learner. One of my biggest takeaways from this class is that asking the right questions, and performing a proper, and good physical exam will help you find the disease you are looking for. An area that I want to improve on in clinical year is what labs to order, and how often especially when the patient is post-op.